My Artworks for A(H1N1) Prevention

Just recently, our company launches the "A(H1N1 Project Prevent". This is the company-wide campaign of our company to prevent the spread of swine flu or the A(H1N1) virus. They aim to protect their employees from the virus through providing them updates, infos, tips, FAQs, news, and other preventive measures like allowing the use of sanitizers, temperature scanning, and wearing of mask!

Poster for Sanitizers

Poster & Announcement for List of Hospitals

Blog Site Title

Well, as an active employee and member of the Corporate Communications in our company, I headed our Corp Com's part in the project. I created my own team which is in-charge of providing updates, FAQs, news, infos, and prevention tips through information dissemination via emails, posters, bulletin boards, leaflets, and blog web site.

Glad to say, I was the one who made our blog web site where all information about the virus were stored. Both the employees and their families could access this site so that they may inform about the virus.

Besides our Blog site, I also created other more artworks and announcements as well as posters which were all posted on the walls, pantry, and bulletin boards in our office. These were also emailed to the employees as announcements. You can view some of these artworks above!

What can you say about my crafts? Do you like my artworks? Or you can give more other suggestions to my works! c",)
