Two Baby Tigers

I know you really love cats. From Miming Negro, her kittens, up to my civet really enjoy and love them!

Now, I have a new batch of pets which again belongs to the family of cats. This time, the wild cats...tigers!

Two Cute Baby Tigers

Playful But Tame Pets

Yeah, I have two baby tigers! Ooops...don't be afraid! They were not the wild and dangerous you know. They were kind, lovable, and really tame as you can see!

They were twin tigers. They were very cute and nice! But I have a problem! I didn't know what name can I give to them! Can you help me?

For now, I name the first baby tiger as 'Red Nose Spotty' because as you can see he had a very red nose together with his reddish spots. Do you agree? The other one, I name him as 'Tanny Spot' ! Yup, because he has a tangerine-colored skin together with his spots! Did you like?

'Red Nose Spotty'

'Tanny Spot'

Hmmmm...if I were to ask you, what name can you give to them?! You are free to give your suggestions!

If I were to ask (maybe my close friends will suggest these), I have two names in mine, one pair could be 'Rock-Ron' while the other could be 'Rock-Rol' so that you may call the two as 'Rock' and 'Rol' or 'Rock' and 'Ron' for the first pair! What do you think? c",)

Too Tame To Handle!

Hey, hey, hey Babies!

Are my suggested names fit the two babies?!

Well, you can choose and you can even suggest! All things are free!

In terms of their activities and behaviors, see how 'bibo' are them! They were so 'kulit' and playful! They love to roam around our house and play different things!

Behave Babies! It Seems They Love To Hang!

Stop and Take A Rest For A While!

Face To Face!

What can you say about them? Will you like them? Or you really love them?!

By now, I will post for the meantime some of their activities and 'gigs' in our home! On my next post, I will show you how playful they are!

Hayz...another pets that I need to take care with! Two cute little babies, two tame and kind tigers! They were completing our home! They will give joys and fun in our bored stressful life!

Well, you are free to give comments on them! How well do you like them?! In my different pets I previously presented to you, which of them do you like and love most?! c",) But of course, I am waiting for you suggested names! ( ^ _ ^ )
