Our Halloween One Year Ago

It's already one year...! Yeah, one year had already passed!

Before, we were all celebrating the 2008 Halloween. But now we were again celebrating the same event...2009 Halloween! Wow! Truly, time is so very fast!

One year ago, we had our Halloween Costume Party in our office. I want to share how we all looked like in our team last year. See them...

The Team Of The Pirates!

Look At Our Workstations...

Are You Afraid To Enter!?

Yup, every team in our office last year have our own motif. And in our team, our motif was Pirates! See how we all looked!

We were all dressed up like the Pirates of Carribean. But not only us, even our place and workstations were all dressed like a pirates' place! It was black, covered with terror pirates' accesories! Maybe some of our officemates from the other team were afraid to go to our place. Feels like they might be caught by wild pirates!

I wasn't able to find our other pictures last year. These were just some I have. But what can you say, did you love it? Do we really look like real pirates?

Hayz...I missed that event last year. This year, we don't have the same event. What we have now is just a Trick or Treat! I'm just wondering what motif we can show if we have the same event today!

But nothing to worry. It's not that big deal for me! There are still some other times. Maybe next year, more granduer than the previous! So that's all...! c",)

