The Red Cafe

Have you been in the so-called Red Cafe? How do you like the place? So attractive, romantic, and really relaxing were some of the words to describe it!

Again, welcome back to your favorite cafe world named as the Rockz Cafe! Yeah my very own cafe resto is growing further! Actually I already expanded my area! And glad to say that I am already in Level 25. Yeepey!

Yup, I will still tour you to my newly expanded cafe! Ready...let's go! =)

More and More Customers were Attracted to its Ambiance!

A Growing and Expanding Red Cafe !

How do you like my design?

Still, my motif is a romantic red Chinese inspired! The place is surrounded with red hue blended with the red furniture! Are there any difference with my previous design in my previous level?

Yup! The primary difference was my land area. Like I have said, I already expanded my lot! And have you notice the stoves? Yeah, I bought a brand new expensive stoves! They were also increased in number. I also added an additional counter to cater my cooked dishes!

Of course, I put new ornaments to it to make the place more romantic and relaxing! Have you see them? Can you tell me which were the new ornaments?!

I always let you see my latest beautiful cafe. But have you already saw how my very first cafe looked like? Well, look at the images below:

A Very Humble Beginning!

This How My Cafe Started!

Yeah, that's how my red Rockz Cafe looked before! Very plain, very simple, with no things or furniture at all! A cafe with a very, very humble beginning!

Look at my place before, very pale! The walls were just painted with plain blue. The floor was just a brown wood! I have only 4 stoves with only 3 food counters. And I only had one waiter! Hayz...too simple...too small before!

But now, look how my cafe grows?! Lots of changes, lots of improvements, lots of developments were taken place! Now, I have 4 waiters! And my stoves and counters, can you count? =)

I really love my new cafe now! It's too relaxing to my eyes! My motif is really suited to our current celebration which is the Valentines and the Chinese New Year! It's a Chinese inspired restaurant! Convinced?!

Now what can you say about my current design? Do you like it? What more can you suggest? I'm willing to hear more from you! From a very simple canteen-type eatery to a very beautiful Red Cafe now...!!! C",)


Edlee said…
I think your cafe is not of Chinese motif but a typical American or Western style. Maybe you should add more Chinese elements like lanterns and golden scrolls to add the distinctive Chinese style.