After your long study, it's time now to take your long evaluation exam! Haha! Let's see how many knowledge you have earned!
Welcome to the History of the Blogs Quiz Bee! Take the exam by answering the following questions regarding your recently taken History course. Here you go:
1. When did the so-called "rise of the blogs" started?
2. What is the name of Rocky's first ever blog site?
3. What is the title of the last post in the Rocky's Friendster blog?
4. When did my very first blogger site born?
5. Give the very first title of The Rock Land.
6. In what segment of Bits of Rocks did Rhythm of the Rock derived?
7. The blog site which solely purpose is for advertisement.
8. What did 'Rockz' in the Bits of Rockz connoted?
9. Why did "Bits of Rockz" named as such?
10. Give atleast 2 segments in the Bits of Rocks.
11. When did The Rock Land was born?
12. What is the name of the very first article published in The Rock Land?
13. Give atleast two posts coming from the Bits of Rocks site which were transferred or duplicated in The Rock Land.
14. Why did the original name of The Rock Land was changed?
15. When was the creation of theRhythm of the Rock?
16. What is the title of the first ever post in the Rhythm of the Rock?
17. What did the term "rockyrics" stands for?
18. When was the rebirth of Rhythm of the Rock?
19. What is the main reason of the rebirth of Rhythm of the Rock?
20. What is the story behind the title of the post "Crush (how may i love you)"?
21. What is the latest offering of the Rhythm of the Rock site besides lyrics, music, and love stories?
22. What are the three literary articles in The Rock's Literary Collection?
23. What is the meaning of "rocklits"?
24. What are the two inactive blog sites of Rocky which only serve as a 'storage'?
25. Why did The Rock's Literary Collection contains only three posts?
26. What is the reason behind the birth of the TV Series Craze blog site?
27. When did the birthday of TV Series Craze blog?
28. What is the title of the very first post in TV Series Craze?
29. What is the first title of the blog TV SEries Craze?
30. How did TV Series Craze got its name?
31. What is the name of the blog site which was later on converted to TECHkyrocky?
32. When did TECHkyrocky created?
33. What does the term "TECHkyrocky" means?
34. What is the reason behind the name TECHkyrocky?
35. What is the youngest blog site of Rocky?
36. How old is Rocky's youngest blog as of this date?
37. What is the platform of Rockz Cafe site?
38. Why did Rocky created the site Rockz Cafe?
39. When did Rockz Cafe blog site born?
40. What is the name of Rocky's character in Rockz Cafe who posted articles in the blog and the one who managed the Rockz Cafe resto in Cafe World?
41. What is the name of Rocky's so-called 7th Blog?
42. Why is the 7th Blog created?
43. Give the date of creation of the 7th Blog?
Give the title of the blog site describe below:
44. "Everything You Need To Know About Your Favorite TV Series"
45. "A Journey to the Rocky Road"
46. "The Official Photo Blog Site of My Facebook's Cafe World
47. "A Collection of Gems from My Precious Mind"
48. "Gadgets, Gizmos, Devices, and Other Modern Technology Advancement Quick Reference Compilation"
49. "Discovering Each Bits of Rocks"
50. "Music, Lyrics, and Music Videos with My Personal Stories Behind the Hit Songs"
That's it! I assure that you will give a perfect score! Well if not, my passing score is 75%! You may post your answer on this quiz!
So, can I know crowd you as the History of the Blogs Quizzer? Can you now follow the legacy I have created way back in High School and College being the official quizzer of our school?! What score did you got?! C",)