
What will happen if Manny Villar and President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo merge? Well, below is the result:

Villarroyo - The Hottest Loveteam to Beat!

Seems that he/she is a child of Villar and Arroyo huh. Beautiful, isn't it?!

Today loveteam is a huge hit! Different loveteams exist. Kimerald, Melason, Enrich, Alkris...who's your bet?! Or probably you really love...'Villarroyo'?!

This is another black propaganda that circulates around the net. They say that Villar is the secret 'real' bet of GMA rather than Gibo Teodoro. As they say, Gibo is only GMA's 'front' or 'pa-mront'!

What can you say about the picture? Cool! They two have the so-called 'perfect chemistry'! If this is really true, then they were the ever hottest loveteam to beat! They will surely erase the name of Kimerald and Melason replacing them with only Villarroyo!

Well, expect that things like these were not the last! Since May 10, 2010 is quickly approaching, more and more 'black propaganda' will be exposed on TV, radio, prints, internet, and other forms of media! Hayz! How can we properly decide if our politicians keep on throwing 'putik' with one another?! All of us now were all confused and undecided...!
