June: A Back To School Special!

Time is really fast...! We are already in the month of June! Oh, we already reached the half part of 2010! Oh so fast!

Speaking of the month of June, the first thing that comes on our mind is school! Yup, June is a back to school month! Every students as well as their parents were all preparing for school. Some students were excited to return to school. Others did not!

Am I excited to be back in school?! What are the things I missed about schooling? Is there someone I missed in school?!

But in my status today, I am not anymore a student! I am currently a professional employee. What then will be the impact of this back to school in my life?

Well for this month of June, the Rock Land will be a back to school special! Yeah, I'm not anymore a student but the years wherein I was a student were so memorable! I can never reached my status today if I didn't end up my school days successfully! So for this month, allow me to give a special tribute to my past school days as well as to our present schooling.

So for this month, expect many school-related topics, humors, and interesting stories about the academe. Of course we will also tackle different out of school topics! But then I allot this month or name this month as The Rock Land's Back to School Special! It's my way of saying 'Thank You' to a very fruitful school days I had before...! C",)
