Another Dolphin Pool!

Like I promised, I will share with you my experience, activities, and of course pictures from our recent 2010 Team Building in Pansol, Calamba Laguna. Have you imagine how our swimming pool looks like?

What can you observed? Are you familiar with the image?! Did you already see these?!

Well, take a glance first on the following images:

Twin Dolphin Swimming Pools: For Adult and For Kids!

It Took Almost One Day To Completely Fill the Pool

I Love The Hot Spring Water!

Yeah, it's another Dolphin Pool! Are you familiar now?! Definitely!

Actually on our 2008 Team Building in Antipolo, I already shared with you a swimming pool similar with this one. It was exactly a dolphin pool!

Now, it seems that history repeat itself! On the second time around during our Team Building, we got a dolphin pool! A dolphin pool in two different places and in two different times.

The first dolphin pool was in Antipolo during our 2008 Team Building and the second dolphin pool is now in Pansol, Calamba Laguna during our 2010 Team Building! Hmmm...what we will expect for the third, another dolphin pool?!

Well, we will see when we have our third team building! For now I want you to enjoy the image of our second dolphin swimming pool! If I were to ask you, which of the two dolphin pool you love and like the most, the first one or this latest second one?! It's your choice...! C",)


Edlee said…
Nice dolphin pool there, Rocky. By the way, where in Antipolo is the dolphin pool you mentioned? Where searching for a unique pool just near Manila. Thanks!