My 3rd Year Anniversary in our Company!


Today, February 11, 2011 is my...

It's my 3rd year anniversary here in our company...
Three years...
Three years of different challenges...
Three years of different roles...
Three years of friendships...
Three skillful years...
And three fruitful years...
What more did my company brought into my life for the past three years?!

February 11, 2008 marked my first step in my company. A thinner version of me enthusiastically started...
On that year, I'm starting to gain new skills...
I'm starting to gain new friends...
I'm starting to build new careers and opportunities...!

Every year, every new challenges....
and of course...
new opportunities that truly developed not only my career but also my skills and personality!

For these three solid years, we also had three managers!
For these three great years, I already involved in three different teams!
For these three challenging years, I transferred in three workstations!
And for these three lovely years, I fell inlove with my three officemates!

Three is really awesome...!!!

hApPy 3rD yEaR aNnIvErSaRy me here in this Red company! c",)
