Passed or Failed?!

Is it a Passed or a Failed?! What do you think?!

Every year specially every month of April, we are like students here in our company waiting for class cards. Some are excited, some are afraid! Mixed emotions for our annual performance appraisal!

Performance appraisal or PA in short is the annual evaluation of each employee's performance for the whole year. We are being evaluated by our manager. If you got a higher evaluation, therefore you got a higher merit increase or increase in our respective salary.

The increase takes effect on the last day of April pay period. But until now (as of this writing), we on the night shift didn't yet know our evaluation. We didn't yet had a one-on-one with our manager talking about our last year's performance. My other teammates (from the day and mid shifts) already discussed their PAs. We on the night remained hanging!

What do you will be my PA for this year (the fruit of my performance last 2010)?! Will it be a passed or a failed?! Make your wildest guess the way we are doing now! c",)


Edlee said…
For me you're passed since you've already stayed long in that company, so you already proved your worth there...

Pakain ka naman. hehehe!