Counting Down My Blog Earnings for the Third Quarter of 2011!

As promised, I will share with you my quarterly blog earnings. And here they are!

From July to September of 2011, here are the amounts I earned which were credited in my PayPal online account. The third one was the one I earned from my other publisher account occasionally. Let's take a glance on them:

These earning were in addition to my Google Adsense account. Yup, they were also aside from the other amount I received from my Union Bank!

I was very blessed because of my blogs! I am really, really thankful for them! "Sipag at Tiyaga Lang...!!!" Hope I inspired you once more! c",)


EINz said…
Cheers! truly, sipag at tyaga lang talaga. I also starting to make an income from my one and only blog. At least im online with a good outcome, not just any other who are just wasting their time online.