
Today is December 12, 2012 or 12/12/12 or 12.12.12 or 12-12-12 or simply "Triple 12!" This day will gonna be the last date in the calendar to have a triple number date! From 01.01.01 (January 01, 2001) to 12.12.12 (December 12, 2012), we already navigated the 12 dates in the calendar having triple numbers!

For many of us, they believe that 12.12.12 is another lucky date! Therefore many scheduled their wedding or any important events to fall on  this date. Others even schedule the birth of their child to fall in this date. In other countries, concerts or thanks-giving activities were taking place!

But for some people, they still keep believing that 12.12.12 is the end of the world! They related to this date the Mayan belief that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world. Hmmm...do you still joining them on this belief?! 

Talking about my personal experience for 12.12.12, this date is another ordinary day for me - office work, malling, shopping, blogging, and performing my everyday routines. But prior to this day, yesterday night, December 11, 2012, someone inspired me! I bought my laptop cooler because that person inspired me! And today, I'm excited to see that person again! :)

Aside from daily tasks, I have no other things or unusual events happening on this day. Well who knows, maybe a surprise awaits me, we didn't know since 12.12.12 is not yet over!

How about you, can you share with me your thoughts for 12.12.12?! How important this date for you?! Do you think this is a lucky day or another way around?! (RCB)
