My Top 10 Shopee Item Wishlist

I love shopping! Yes, whenever I shop in our nearest malls or groceries, it seems that I am destress. They say that it is a shopping or a retail therapy.

Thanks God that even shopping goes digital! We have now the online shopping site called Shopee which provides most of our shopping needs!

What do you think are the items I usually shop? Well, I've list down my Top 10 Items or my Wishlist from Shopee. And here they are (in no particular order):

1. Portable Hard Drive

2. Smartphone Pouch

3. Cellphone Armour Casing

4. Watch  

5. Polo Shirts

6. Necklace

7. Sling Bag

8. Shades

9. Running Shorts

10. Artistic Running Socks

That is my list. Now what's yours? Can you share with us your Top Shopee favorite items as well?  You may also visit the official Shopee website at for more interesting stuffs! 04/25/2018 (Bits of Rocks) 

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