A Journey to Our New Home 5: The Making of Our Main Gate

Welcome back to our blog series called "A Journey to Our New Home" where I share with you the important updates on the construction of our new home, sweet home. Few days left and we're about to the transfer to this 4-Storey dream home.

And for this post, let me share with you how our main gate was constructed.

Our main gate is a modern type. It is made of tubular GI galvanized steel bars. It will be a black horizontal one.

The gate is divided into two parts. The first one, the huge one is the garage gate. While the other one is a service gate for the persons coming in and out.

As they say pictures paint thousand words, let these pictures speak on how our gate was constructed:

And here is now the pre-final product:

This is now the pre-final design of our facade. Currently, tiling and smoothing of the front walls and post were on-going. The grills will also undergo paintings and coatings. I'll share with you the finish product on my succeeding blog posts. So stay tune folks!

"A Journey to Our New Home" is the 2019 edition of my blog series "Invasion of Our Home" which also featured in this blog 10 years ago. More exciting posts to come! 01/23/2019 (Bits of Rocks)

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