My Choice for the Netizens' Choice Awards for Most Favorite TV Station is... Posted by Rocky Batara on November 27, 2012 Bloggers' Choice +9 Bloggers' Choice for the Most Favorite TV Station casting of votes GMA-7 Kapuso NCA Netizen's Choice Awards Network War TV Networks vote Writing Project Bloggers' Choice Bloggers' Choice for the Most Favorite TV Station casting of votes GMA-7 Kapuso NCA Netizen's Choice Awards Network War TV Networks vote Writing Project
Brokeback Presidentiables! Posted by Rocky Batara on May 06, 2010 2010 Election Brokeback candidates +4 Brokeback Mountain Humor humor posts Presedentiables Presidential Candidates vote voters 2010 Election Brokeback candidates Brokeback Mountain Humor humor posts Presedentiables Presidential Candidates vote voters
Black Propaganda! Posted by Rocky Batara on May 06, 2010 2010 Election black propaganda +5 campaigns Election halalan Noynoy Noynoy Aquino presents Presidential Candidates vote voters voting tips 2010 Election black propaganda campaigns Election halalan Noynoy Noynoy Aquino presents Presidential Candidates vote voters voting tips