I Remember The Days IV: "In The Midst of Antennas" Posted by Rocky Batara on November 20, 2009 antenna college college days Dream TV ECE engineer experience field trip I remember the days ilocos ilocos norte ilocos sur photos site trip +
I Remember The Days III: "Some Photoshots In Ilocos" Posted by Rocky Batara on November 20, 2009 beach college college days experience field trip I remember the days ilocos ilocos norte ilocos sur pagudpod photos sandy beach windmill +
I Remember The Days II: "Trip To Ilocos" Posted by Rocky Batara on November 19, 2009 beach BSECE college college days dagupan ECE field trip I remember the days ilocos ilocos norte ilocos sur pagudpod pangasinan trip +
Picture Story 2: "Sunset Beach" Posted by Rocky Batara on November 18, 2009 beach college college days friends ilocos ilocos norte ilocos sur pictorials picture picture story +